Enlargement of the male breast is one of the most frequent reason of aesthetic disatisfaction in men, as a consequence of an inconfortable feeling in the social life or of a true phsycological embarrass. Usually bilateral resulting from a benign proliferation of the glandular component, gynecomastia is often confused with a simple fat deposition with no glandular proliferation (lipomastia or pseudogynecomastia). Pseudogynecomastia and the physiologic and idiopathic gynecomastia should always be differentiate from underlying hormonal disorder or malignancy by lab tests and imaging studies. The surgical approach is often necessary if medical therapies (drugs,hormones, diet) have been tried in an early course. Surgical procedures include the following: a simple reduction with liposuction, a more extensive surgery (adenomammectomy) associated, where needed, to skin reduction (mammaplasty) depending on breast tissues involved and any extent in aesthetic purpose.
Anesthesia, Postop and Recovery
These procedures are now sometimes performed on an outpatient basis (Day surgery) and sedaction, inpatient hospitalization for up to 2 days is required when general anesthesia is indicated. On average, patients are able to resume most normal activities within 1-2 weeks. Some patients need a longer recovery time. Elastic garment has to be dressed for at least 4 weeks. The process of deep scar tissue development and resolution takes as long as 6-12 months. Wound care is important in order to prevent scar hypertrophy; this reinforcement is achieved with the use of silicon tape. The tape can be left in place for 3-6 months.